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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Install and Configure the Cloud Watch Logs Agent on a Running EC2 Linux Instance




What is Cloud Watch?

Cloud watch is a monitoring service to monitor your AWS resources,
as well as the applications that you run in AWS. So the cloud watch basically monitors performance. Performance monitoring and cloud watch can monitor things like compute. Inside the compute, it can monitor things like our
EC2 instances, Auto scaling groups, Elastic Load balances, and Route 53 health checks. Cloud watch can go through and not just monitor the EC2 instances it can monitor a whole bunch of other things as well. It can monitor storage and content delivery, our EBS volumes we can monitor how busy the volumes are we can monitor storage gateways and we can monitor cloud front using cloud watch as well.


Cloud watch Pricing 

It is Free 






Install and Configure the CloudWatch Logs Agent on a Running EC2 Linux Instance

To do this you have to log in to your Amazone account



Before Enable the Cloudwatch we have to do a few things

  1. We have to create a Policy

  2. We have to create a Role

  3. Attach the IAM role To the EC2 Instances



  Creating a Policy



To Create a Policy we have to go to the IAM

In IAM from the left side, panel select Policy tab to Create a new Policy 

Click Create Policy

In Policy Window Select JSON tab and add the below JASON Policy



  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [


Click Revie Policy


In the Review policy window adds the Name and Description for the Policy. 

Note -: You can use any name that you like

Create Policy


After Creating the Policy you will be able to see the Policy that you have created



Creating a Role



In IAM from the left side, panel select Role tab to Create a new Role


Click Create Role


In the Creating Role  Window

Select AWS services  and select EC2

Click Permissions


In the Permissions Window Select the Policy That you have created Earlier


In here Permission will be granted from the policy

Click Tag


In the Tag Window, You can give a Tag for the Role in my case I gave as 

Key -: Name

Value(Optional) -: CloudWatchLogAgent


 Click Review


In the Review window, you can give a Name to your Role

I gave the same name as it was in the Tag

After Creating the role you will be able to see your role

Attaching an IAM Role to a Instances



Attach the IAM role and add the Details

IAM Role Select the Role That you have Created in the Role

Install and Configure the CloudWatch Logs Agent



To Install the Cloud watch agent we have to log in to our Instances

Use the Putty and your Public IP to log in to your Instances 

After logging to the Instances  use the Below Commands to Install  the Cloud Watch Agent

Fist Update your Instances

sudo yum update -y

Install the  AWS Logs

sudo yum install -y awslogs

Start the AWS Log Services

sudo systemctl start awslogsd

Check the Logservicese Status (It should be active (running) )

sudo systemctl status awslogsd.service

Enable the Logservicese at each boot

sudo systemctl enable awslogsd.service


Note -: By default, the /etc/awslogs/awscli.conf points to the us-east-1 region, if you are in a different region edit the awscli.conf and add the Region that you are in. You can check your Region in top Right Conner



Check the Cloud watch Logs



To Check the Log we have to go to the Cloud Watch

Services under Management & Governance select Cloud Watch

Click Logs on the left to view the logs

Here it will show the Path  that the Instance Log file is saved in

Click on the Path (/var/log/messages)

 When you click on the Path you will be able to see the log file

 Select the Log file and click it


This is the in datil of the Log file you can use filter events to Filter the Log 

For instance, you can usee Keyword Erro to filter all errors.



Real-world Example

Using Cloud watch we can monitor the Instances log and we can have a good idea about our instance such if there are errors in that we can easily motor those using cloud watch. Moreover using these we can monitor the security issues that we are facing such as if someone has tried to hack our Server we will be able to see how many times have they tried etc..



References -:


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